The idea for establishing the Club 2CV & CITROEN not Greek .
Externally there are hundreds of clubs , with a long history . The construction quirks CITROEN, from exuberant ” frog ” as evergreen twins , have won the hearts of those who loved him , so they rarely change brand . In Greece , where due to the condition of the roads , safety and driving comfort depends largely on the car, the suspension of innovative CITROEN enthusiasm and won many friends .
The initiative to gather and meet one another , belonging to people who have racing history in the automotive and motorcycle .
Η πρωτοβουλία για τη συγκέντρωση και γνωριμία μεταξύ τους, ανήκει σε ανθρώπους που έχουν και αγωνιστική ιστορία στο χώρο του αυτοκινήτου και της μοτοσικλέτας.

Founding members E.L.F. 2CV & CITROEN

Stelios Fakalis
(Αγωνιστική μοτό, οδηγός και συνοδηγός ράλυ αυτοκινήτου)

Fotis Tsaltas
Enduro moto

Kostas Tournavitis
Enduro moto, 2CV & PONY rally driver

The first contacts and meetings were held in 1985 and the Articles of Association of the Club adopted in early 1986, officially beginning its history. The first event was a winter outing, Christmas 1985 at the shelter Flambouri Parnes, with half meter snow on 1252 meters altitude, with 4 2CV, 2 PONY and 1 VISA.

In September 1986 the club found a home, renting a room in Polygon (Gkyzi) Street Distomo 15. Until then, the meetings of the members and friends were in … ouzo member Kostas Tsatsomaridi, in Taurus. Soon added and other friends in the company, some of whom are with us today only with the heart. Since 2000, the Club is housed in Thisio Street in Thessaloniki 38.
Today the club has about 100 members and is governed by a 5-member Board of Directors, which is elected every two years by the General Assembly of the States, which is the supreme body of. Along the elected 3-member Audit Committee.

The current composition of the Board

Amourgis Dimitris

Koulouris Antonios

Chorianopoulos Ioannis

Skamnelos Fotios

Dimitropoulos Athanasios

Around them and with them in teams and departments, working several more members. All have given and give much of their time (and their savings) for our Club. They neglected chores and families have stayed up all night, have made countless kilometers and is always ready to resume when needed.αλάβουν όταν χρειαστεί.

In its long history, the club also has a number of events (excursions and trips, sports and games, technical seminars and celebrations) and Operation 5 parts Racing Tour, Technical, Adventure, Events See the following pages for each activity section and discover your own interests and in which sector will bother after registering.

The subscription is 72 euros a year for members of Attica and 36 euros for members of the province and the registration fee is 7 euros. To be written one member must complete an application to the Board club along with two photos. This procedure is for members of Attica at the offices of the club, and for those province after consulting both.