5th French motorways
Dear members and friends,
The 5th French motorways conducted Sunday 19.1.2014 passed into history as the best of all made according to the comments of bystanders who have participated in several of the preceding .
Our club was first co-host with the club classic car ORCA and was very much present involving several cars 2CV, DS, GSA, CX, who contributed to the beautiful sight we had the presence of other French cars , PEUGEOT, RENAULT, SIMCA .
The wine museum family Mark is one of the most beautiful places that exist in Attica , and the owner Spiros Mark is the owner and daily user 2CV, with excellent organization that hosted us and made us feel comfortable and friendly .
When he finished the turnout Joined vehicles around 11:30 , the jury took work, and in our opinion did very well! We had the pleasure as a club , our member Themis Teloglou to win the prize the most beautiful 2CV, and allocation to be done through many applause from the audience .
You’ll be able to find many pictures on our facebook page and who came to remember the beautiful moments spent , and for you that you could not get to enjoy the beautiful cars , and prepare for the next meeting to be able to join the your cars .
We thank all members and friends who honored us with their presence and participation also personally of Mr. S. Mark for the excellent hospitality on site and the service provided by the staff at all levels ( coffee , croissants , food – Buffet , drinks) , and hope to be able to organize the next meeting with the ORCA equally well or better by letting friends of the French car be found near by.
On behalf of the Board