
Αφιέρωμα στο περιοδικό 4ΤΡΟΧΟΙ Σεπτεμβρίου. Citroen Cactus VS 2CV

Αγαπητά μέλη και φίλοι του 2CV,

Στο αφιέρωμα του περιοδικού 4ΤΡΟΧΟΙ Σεπτεμβρίου για το Citroen Cactus VS 2CV, πραγματοποιήθηκε φωτογράφηση με ένα από τα 2CV της λέσχης μας και υπάρχει ευχαριστήρια αναφορά στην τελευταία γραμμή του αφιερώματος.”

Δείτε το κάνοντας κλικ στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο για να ανοίξει το σχετικό άρθρο:

Citroen Cactus VS 2CV

7-10-2014|Categories: Uncategorized, Announcements ||

Ο θρύλος έγινε 66 χρονών. Χρόνια πολλά 2cv

Αγαπητά μέλη και φίλοι του 2CV,

Τι και αν πέρασαν 66 χρόνια από εκείνο τον μεταπολεμικό Οκτώβρη του 1948… Τι και αν πέρασαν τόσες γενιές ανθρώπων, τι και αν συνέβησαν κοσμοϊστορικά γεγονότα… Η λατρεία για το πιο αγαπητό αυτοκίνητο στον κόσμο όχι μόνο διατηρήθηκε αλλά με την πάροδο των χρόνων αυξάνεται.

Νέοι λάτρεις του ομορφόπαπου εμφανίζονται κατά χιλιάδες κάθε χρόνο σε όλο τον κόσμο έχοντας ένα και μόνο σκοπό. Την εύρεση και ανακατασκευή ενός πραγματικού θρύλου της αυτοκίνησης που ενέπνευσε εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες ανθρώπους όλων των κοινωνικών τάξεων. Ας ευχηθούμε το αγαπημένο μας 2cv να τα χιλιάσει και να συνεχίζει να χαρίζει στους απανταχού φίλους του υπέροχα χιλιόμετρα.

Η φωτογραφία είναι του 1948 από την πρώτη εμφάνιση του 2cv στην έκθεση του Παρισιού.

7-10-2014|Categories: Announcements ||

Announcement 1/8/2014

Dear members and friends,
The Club will be closed throughout August and will open on September 1. We wish you happy holidays and good mileage with the 2CV you.
On behalf of the Board

3-8-2014|Categories: Announcements ||

Celebrating the new face of our club

Dear members and friends,
Our club has a new ‘ face’ of the building located in Gazi !
Two adventurous young people with vast experience and a long history in graphic design , deposit all their talent by painting awesome car models in front of the Club .
Chris and Nick did a great job and we would like to reward them with a good night ( something like openings ) in our Club .
We therefore call on Friday 5/30/2014 in the evening to have a drink and be happy – enjoy the work of children have created a new ” face” to our building .
We expect all of our friends to see this special night.
On behalf of the Board

25-5-2014|Categories: Announcements ||

Aris Skamnelos

Dear members and friends,
Aris Skamnelos after unequal battle with the damned disease , today put forth the 2CV ‘s soul goes to meet God in the heavens .
Ariw was one of our best and oldest members of our club , and many personally was one of his best friends .
He worked and loved our club as minimal. He was one of the pillars and Chairman of the 13th World Meeting of 2CV Friends Scotina we organized in 1999 .
We’ve come miles and miles in Greece and abroad with the 2CV with him , and had the most enjoyable moments with unfailing humor and laughter .
For us it is always there and will have him in our hearts .
Good trip our friend !
Our sincere condolences to Popi Zinelis partner and spouse and children of Fotis and Paris .
The funeral of Aris will take place tomorrow, Saturday 05.17.2014 at 15:00 in St. Tryphon Pallini.
Personally, I never thought that I would get in position to write the above words of one of my best friends .
On behalf of the Board
Dimitris Amourgis

16-5-2014|Categories: Announcements ||

Impressions from the day’s ride at Elefsis (04/05/2014).

Dear members and friends,
Our club under the program “Discovering the Attic ” held a one day ride at Eleusis in the archaeological site with the participation of 13 cars.

Specifically , we started two meeting points ( Thriassion Hospital , Haidari weighbridge ) , and the two teams met outside the archaeological site .

Vana Seferiadou took us to the tour , starting with a good analysis of the cult of the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone in this area . The duration of this introduction lasted about an hour with full commitment by all attendees .

Then we drove to the area where the ritual stayed absolutely amazed by the location of the marble columns that surround it .

Follow our visit to the museum, which has several very interesting findings and representations in clay amphorae from mythology .

At the end of the visit we gathered in convoy and crossed the town of Eleusis, where we went to the pine forest of St. George after the junkyard in a beautiful spot for picnics and other activities involving children .

In the afternoon , after some good food and wine , we took the road back , completely satisfied once again ride from the club .

Promised to attend all of the following that will be the National Meeting weekend of the Holy Spirit (7 , 8, 09.06.2014 ) which will be announced soon.

On behalf of the Board

7-5-2014|Categories: Announcements ||

Discovering the Attica EXCURSION IN SPACE ARCHAIOLOGIKO ELEFSINAS Sunday 4th May 2014

Dear members and friends of Christ Risen and Happy Birthday ! The Club under the program Desk entitled ” Discovering the Attic ” organizes the fifth consecutive ride in the area of ​​Eleusis and the “mysteries” of . The following text is written by our member Vana Seferiadou organizing the ride is . EXCURSION IN SPACE ARCHAIOLOGIKO ELEFSINAS Sunday 4th May 2014 START : We will gather at 10:30 am Avenue Kavala ‘ kiosk Going Green ‘ at the exit after Schisto right. Then we will move to the archaeological site of Eleusis , where we will be guided in space and museum . There is a ticket for entry, but usually on the first Sunday of each month the visit is free . After you follow PICNIC . If weather permits we will go for a picnic in the pine forest of St. George Kiafa Also there ‘s farm with peacocks and other birds and animals. If the weather permits we will go to the tavern Mandra (for mats and coarse ) . For more information contact Vana Seferiadou tel 210 6523408 or at the following Club On behalf of the Board.


24-4-2014|Categories: Announcements ||

Hymettus 30-03-2014

Dear members and friends,
On Sunday 30/03/2014 the club made ​​us with participation of ten cars a very nice ride in the mountain Hymettus , with a visit to the Monastery of St. John the Hunter , Monastery star and Monastery Kaisarianis .
We enjoyed the mountain top the incredible views of the Saronic Gulf, and we came to eat at ” Kalopoula ” in the woods .
Our visit to the Cave of Paianias aborted projects.
A bold company did the dirt road from the cave Paianias on Hymettus which is about 8 km
We are preparing for the 5th consecutive ride under the program “Discovering the Attic ” after Easter in early May where there will be a notice .
See photos from the daily ride our facebook site and on the site.
On behalf of the Board

3-4-2014|Categories: Announcements ||

View images and videos from the 3-day trip to Tolo-Argos

Dear members and friends,
On Friday 3/14/2014 at 21:00 will be viewing images and videos from 3-day trip to Tolo and our participation in the carnival of Argos.
Come all to get together and enjoy the beautiful moments spent our club in this event.
Our member Dimitris Rhazes be edited for viewing the material and collected pictures and videos of almost all members who participated in the trip.
We expect everyone to share with the projection of interesting material.

13-3-2014|Categories: Announcements ||

Tree planting, cutting the cake O.F.O.E.S.E.-O.X.N.E

Dear members ,
Our club is for many years a member of the Federation and naturalistic hiking clubs and each year we participate with our delegation in the cake cutting (attached circular – call ) .
This year the Board Federation decided to make the cake cutting and tree planting in mountain Hymettus at ” Koutalas .” Our club will participate in this beautiful event with all members and their cars who want to come to participate in this action and then do a very nice walk with food on Hymettus .
We will meet Sunday at 10:30 am at the entrance of the Military Hospital of Aviation 251 ( 2nd in series at the anode current Mesogheion ) and will depart with the guidance of Vana Seferiadou to visit with our cars position ” Koutalas ” to participate in tree planting and the cake cutting .
We believe that it is a very nice event and our club will participate in and present with members in an ecological energy in need Mount Hymettus to the devastating fires that have occurred in recent years .
In case of inclement weather (rain ) the event will be postponed .
On behalf of the Board

12-2-2014|Categories: Announcements ||